It has been a while since I checked in, here are a few thoughts floating around ,my mucus filled head this morning.
- My last post I talked about taking a break from running , and accepting the fact that I am no longer the competitor I was in the past. That I will not set any personal records (PR) or win any races . I got some flack for that. People thought that I was throwing in the towel , and maybe they were right. If you look at my Running Results Page , you will see that it has been a while since I have set any PR's in any event. After some soul searching , I think that it is my head that gets in the way of success, so I have decided to switch things up a bit and have allowed my brother and his friend to take over my training. Now if I fail, I let them down, and I never want to let my brother down.
- A goal of mine this year is to spend more time with my kids, especially my son , who is now a teenager . He needs his Dad more than ever right now, and I need to make sure that I am around more to help him .I hope that some of the things that I did in 2014 to make this happen will pay off.
- It has been a couple of weeks since the Cleveland Browns season ended, and I have had time to process what happened this season . My thoughts on the state of the team is that they are moving in the right direction. I am encouraged by the 7 and 9 record that they finished with , although they finished the year on a bad note, it is still an improvement over previous years. I think the biggest thing we need to do in this off season is establish who the quarterback will be right away and start building an offense around that persons skill-set . If it is Johnny Manziel , fine , give him the tools where he can succeed . Name him the starter now and develop him. I think we are pretty close to competing for a division title , the moves we make in this off-season will determine if we can take that next step.

- When LeBron James came back to Cleveland , he said that we had to be patient with this team, it is going to take some time for them to gel as a unit. Fans of Cleveland sports teams hate to hear the words "be patient" or "it is a process". We have been hearing the same thing for many years now. However, as I watch this team , LeBron is right. We need to be patient, the young players on this team need to learn what it takes to win and be successful. I think it will pay off , especially watching Kyrie Irving and Triston Thompson , they seem to be getting the message and are playing well, that is very encouraging for the future of this franchise.
I think that is it for right now, you all have a great day!