I have decided not to write any new New years resolutions this year and will continue to work on my resolutions from last year.
2015 was a pretty good year for me, although it did have it's share of challenges. My biggest goal was to improve my self confidence and I did . The biggest indicator of that was in my running where I set 4 Personal bests (PR) this year , including the Marathon and Half Marathon. My biggest obstacle was my head, I used to tell myself I was too old, too weak and not good enough to break my PR's. I would tell myself that my best days are behind me.
After my performances in 2015, it is safe to say that I have turned the corner on my self doubt, not only in my running , but in all aspects of my life. I believe now that I still have quite a bit to prove and that is why I want to continue on the path that I am on.
I want to thank so many of you who have provided encouragement, inspiration and a good, swift kick in the butt for me over the past few years. I am truly blessed to have so many people in my life that care about me .
I wish all of you a happy and blessed 2016!