These are the pictures that people post on their Facebook pages that show Adolf Hitler surrounded by children as he tries to gain support of the German people by saying his programs will create a better country in the future for our children.

So the assault on our freedoms is not intentional, it is happening because we (as a country) have elected people who believe that government is the answer . As our government programs such as welfare, food stamps and Obamacare grow larger and more people rely on them for their survival , this makes for a bigger government and we as taxpayers have to fund this government which means we all have to pay more in taxes, and that will increase.
The people that are on these programs vote. The majority will vote for people who support these programs and these people will get re-elected. As the people who depend upon government programs increase, the more people who vote for these policies will increase, which will only increase the size and power of our government .
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day , teach him how to fish , he will eat forever" is a quote that always comes to mind when I think about what these programs should be about. They should be about getting people back on their feet and getting them back out to work . I am not saying to eliminate these programs (except for Obamacare... that needs to go).If you want more revenue for our government , we need to cut taxes , give businesses incentives (tax breaks , etc.) to hire more people and get people back to work so they are paying taxes which will then create more revenue. These programs will then not have to be funded as heavily as they are and we then could use that money to pay off our increasing debt. Everyone wins.
This is the first in a series about the assault on our freedoms. Please comment below
Well said. So unusual to find an opinion that's actually been thought out, and doesn't resort to name calling. - Michelle
ReplyDelete"Obamacare" does not need to go. People need health insurance that is not tied to their jobs or dependent on a perfect health history. EVERYONE needs health insurance, even people working at low-wage jobs that don't offer it. If it takes a federal mandate to force some people to buy that insurance, then so be it.
ReplyDeleteAnd speaking as someone who was raised on welfare and food stamps by someone who was not able to work by anyone's stretch of the imagination, I resent it when a blanket assumption is made that people receiving assistance will continue to vote for the guy who gives them that assistance, just because it's the easy route to take so they won't have to find a job. That's not what's been done here, but you know as well as I do that there are many, many people who believe that everyone who receives welfare is lazy, period. Clearly, that's not the case.
Obamacare does need to go, we can't afford it and I don't want to be forced to buy health insurance if I do not want to. It is MY choice not the government.
DeleteI did not imply or mean to imply that everyone on government assistance needs to find a job , but there are many people who do take advantage of these programs and are able to work. They either have given up looking, found a way to work under the table or simply do not want to look. Not everyone on government assistance is lazy, and some can not work , I understand that .
As for people on assistance voting for the person giving them assistance, exits polls show that the majority do vote for the candidate or party that champions these programs. No not everyone does vote that way, but most do.
So are you saying that people who work at low-paying jobs for employers who won't provide health insurance are just out of luck? If they don't work at all, they are judged as being "lazy" and looking for a handout; if they do work but it's a low-paying job, they're still damned, since they still aren't eligible for employer-sponsored health insurance.
DeleteAlso, not having health insurance should not be anyone's "choice." If, God forbid, you or a member of your family got sick or needed medical care and you did not have health insurance through your CHOICE, someone would still pay for it - you would not be forced to go without medical treatment. As a taxpayer, you already ARE paying for other people's health insurance, whether or not it's called that. SOMEONE is paying for uninsured people who go to the ER or the doctor's office, even right now, through higher taxes and/or a rise in your own health insurance premiums.
"So are you saying that people who work at low-paying jobs for employers who won't provide health insurance are just out of luck? If they don't work at all, they are judged as being "lazy" and looking for a handout; if they do work but it's a low-paying job, they're still damned, since they still aren't eligible for employer-sponsored health insurance." - I don't see this in anything that I have written.
DeleteYes, if I choose not to have health insurance,then that is MY choice.Even though I do have insurance, it should be MY decision to buy it or not, not some politician who thinks that he or she knows what is best for me. I want less government in my life , not more.
I have no problem supporting programs that are used to help people to get back on their feet, or to help those who need the help, but many of these programs are being taken advantage of and that needs to stop.
I have not used the word "lazy" when talking about people who are on these programs.....
Sorry, but I still don't think buying health insurance should be a choice. Like I wrote, even if you chose not to buy it, you would still receive health care in an ER, at the very least. Someone would pay for that, if not you.
DeleteI should have the choice to pay for it out of my own pocket, which is an option that has been taken away from me.